Hello! 👋

I like to make things involving computers, drones, 3D printers, and a whole bunch of other things.

Below are some posts about them!

— Dan


  • Dialect-specific Expressions in SQLAlchemy

    So it turns out SQLAlchemy doesn’t really smooth over differences between databases that much — whoops! Maybe you, like me, need to write queries that work across several engines (i.e., and so dialects) like SQLite, PostgreSQL, etc.

  • Driving WS2812B LED Strips with an STM32F0, Timers, and Circular DMA

    Common individually-addressable RGB LED strips (e.g., NeoPixels, WS2812B, etc.) are controllable via a PWM signal at roughly 800KHz. The duty cycle (i.e., time the signal is spent high in each cycle) of this PWM signal determines if a sent bit is either high or low. In embedded land, specifically on an STM32F0, the typical way to go about this is to use a hardware timer.

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