Hello! 👋
I like to make things involving computers, drones, 3D printers, and a whole bunch of other things.
Below are some posts about them!
— Dan
Dialect-specific Expressions in SQLAlchemy
So it turns out SQLAlchemy doesn’t really smooth over differences between databases that much — whoops! Maybe you, like me, need to write queries that work across several engines (i.e., and so dialects) like SQLite, PostgreSQL, etc.
Driving WS2812B LED Strips with an STM32F0, Timers, and Circular DMA
Common individually-addressable RGB LED strips (e.g., NeoPixels, WS2812B, etc.) are controllable via a PWM signal at roughly 800KHz. The duty cycle (i.e., time the signal is spent high in each cycle) of this PWM signal determines if a sent bit is either high or low. In embedded land, specifically on an STM32F0, the typical way to go about this is to use a hardware timer.
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